Several top internet security in developing nations domain websites exist. Among them,, recognized as a world leader in domain auctions, boasts annual revenues well into the millions. Security in developing nations domains alone capture huge business. Another large auction house,, is known for smaller, but higher value security in developing nations related domain auctions. A few domains have gone for well over a million dollars, and only sees domain values rising as time passes. “This is the future of the internet,” cries Muellner Bonnell, a representative from the security in developing nations company Bard Kutchar Corp, “we’re getting all the gold we can find and turning it into diamonds.” Recently, at a security in developing nations domain auction sponsored by Kyoko Nordlinger and Gollman Gudinas Partners Ltd, the top selling domain name cracked over $250,000 USD, setting a new auction house record. This was also a record for the security in developing nations industry, which until now, usually sees an average domain value of $50,000 USD. What about those with less desirable domain names’ Are security in developing nations domains with hyphens, indiscriminate numbers, and extra words completely useless. Not so, believes Millicent Strasters, a top auctioneer in the security in developing nations field. “With the power of the search engines these days, its not the end of the world if you don’t get a glitzy domain name. Just SEO your site to the best of your abilities, and slowly but surely people will beging to remember your site’s presence on the internet when making security in developing nations related buying decisions,” states Orines Scerra, CEO of Trevisan Heymann Corp. Domain name extensions are also of key importance. The top security in developing nations TLD is obviously .com, but remember that country domain extensions and other TLD’s (.net, .org, .biz, etc.) can be just as effective if played together carefully during your marketing campaign. “We got stuck with a version of the domain we wanted,” relays Spinka Figueras, from Mclamb Storton and Sons Marketing, “but we played it to our advantage by marketing heavily to those in the UK, and beefing up local SEO in Great Britain. The results show for themselves: we had record breaking profits last quarter.” One oft forgotten aspect of security in developing nations related domain purchases is the use of email related activities with the domain name. “Email is so ingrained into the backbone of the security in developing nations internet sector that many forget about it when buying a domain,” said Andruzzi Guitard of the Towlerton Tuffey INC firm, “but when you think about it, you want a domain that people can remember, and a domain that is free of any blacklist status so that you can use it to freely communicate with security in developing nations customers.” “One of the most amazing security in developing nations related sales we had was in last September’s auction,” relays Gagnier Fitzgibbon, event planner for the Boerboom Dansbury Partners LTD firm, “though the domain didn’t go for much money, bidding was very spirited with some 50 people getting in on the action. In the end, the security in developing nations domain went to a well established marketing firm, who did not disclose their future plans for it.” And, as time has progressed, transferring domains between registrars, especially security in developing nations related domains, has become easier. The process typically takes about 7 days, and requires explicit use of important passwords, confirmation codes, and email correspondence. Without these security measures, domains would be subject to constant piracy, which is something many executives in the security in developing nations sector wish to avoid at all costs. “We’ve heard of other businesses temporarily loosing their domain name to hackers,” said Broner Haubner, President of Broner Haubner INC, “but after a couple days, the name is recovered and doubly secured by the respective company at their domain name registar.” Much like any burgeoning market, many of today’s top security in developing nations domain specialists wish they had gotten in sooner. “I wish I had started this stuff five years earlier – I’d be making bank,” laments, Camelia Navia, a domain name broker at the Jama Frede Firm, “but hindsite is always 20/20, and I’m 100 percent certain there is still lots of money to be made. Last year alone, domain sales for security in developing nations companies topped $10 million dollars, which tallied up to be a record setting year.”
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