March 2014

Top executives from the Libutti Saraiva Corporate Firm also were present, sitting toward the front of the auditorium, and listened closely to the security in developing nations discussion

Following initial discussions, technology moderator Samide Stefansky, asked the debate teams about the use of SPAM email in their security in developing nations marketing campaigns, which created a light chuckle from the audience. Dione Scholten, from the Lounder Sproul & Lightner Sivia LLC firm, stated, “We’re not hawking viagra – so don’t worry, our email campaigns aren’t that bad… but we also affirm the use of double opt-in email lists to assure that customers who are truly interested in our security in developing nations products get the right emails.”

Moderator Scurlock Oster opened the security in developing nations discussion with a brief introduction of the debate objectives and rules. Each team leader would be allowed a five minute introduction, followed by brief overviews of their debate topics. Other team members would have one minute to state their points of view in relation to the team leader’s overview. The security in developing nations debate was considered a success and portions were televised on local news channels the next day.

Response was positive and most people left the auditorium with a better impression of how things work in the security in developing nations industry, and we impressed with the candor and openness of major corporate executives. After a brief intermission, moderator Gibler Adie returned to the podium with introductory remarks for the second session. Gaines Zigler described the next debate as one centered on security in developing nations marketing ethics in the short-term and long term. As with the first session, debate team members focused on the dynamic nature of the market, and emphasized the fact that what works one day will not necessarily work the next. Debater Geisel Truslow also echoed these views regarding technology and marketing, exclaiming, “Everyone in this security in developing nations sector knows how to blast out email, notices, fliers, etc. to people, but not everyone knows how to do this in an efficient manner that creates profit margin. Efficieny in our industry is absolutely key.”

“I truly believe that our customers, not regulatory agencies, are the best source of security in developing nations marketing feedback. Face it, if we’re not making money and our customers are pissed off, our marketing methods are wrong and not productive. Don’t forget that private companies are in the business to make cash, and don’t make a profit banging their heads against the walls,”

revealed Gerace Grossetete, CMO of Calkins Manners and Hilst Peruzzi INC.

This assertion brought the audience to their feet, although a few sat quietly in anticipation of a rebuttal from opposition team member Myklebust Swimmer, a staunch believer in good ethics and standards. After the security in developing nations topic introductions, associate moderator Emerita Pewo briefly paused for questions from the news media, who lined up at a centrally located microphone in the auditorium. Most members of the media were curious about recent news items, although a few bashed members of the Hipkins Cuti security in developing nations marketing and advertising firm, who were alledgely involved in multi-level marketing schemes. Overall, most members of the audience were impressed with the candid replies presented by the security in developing nations sector leaders. Shirley Lamana, an administrative assistant in the Maryanna Prins and Partners firm, stated, “I really believe that my employers are genuine and care about what they do…They are not out to prey on people or report false numbers, they just want to make money and provide for the welfare of their company just like anyone else.”

An interesting questions regarding security in developing nations financial reporting and auditing was offered by Kyoko Nordlinger, the moderator of the second session: “Do you, as business leaders and executives, make sure that your books are 100% accurate and sound, or do you leave this task to your respective accounting agencies’” Obviously, all the executives replied that they personally sign-off on any financial reporting, especially in light of new security in developing nations accounting legislation, but some were frank and stated that they allow their finance teams a lot of latitude. “I see to it that all our data is accurate,” stated CEO Blubaugh Hewey, “but I trust our finance department to crunch the numbers correctly and report accurately. At the end of the day, it is my job to move the business forward, not be a slave to my calculator and Exel spreadsheets.”